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 Are you suffering from neck & shoulder pain? Today we are going to tell you some tips for neck & shoulder pain. If you have had neck and shoulder pain for a long time, you should know that there are many things we can do to help you get rid of your pain and start feeling better.

Whether it’s rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, tendonitis or a rehabilitation… After surgery in the case of the shoulder; or also neck pain, headaches, migraines, stiffness, in the case of the neck.

For all these cases, we are going to give you some tips for pain:

1- Apply heat to the area (a hot water bottle or a small bag of sand heated in the microwave can be useful)…
2- Take a few days of rest
3- Do not use the shoulder too much, do not overload yourself.
4- Go as soon as possible to receive a physiotherapy diagnosis in order to solve the problem as soon as possible.

With these tips for neck & shoulder pain you should notice improvement and decrease in pain.

However, if you cointinue with pain you can always visit our clinic. We will take special care with your problem. We will make a correct evaluation of your condition and we will be able to tell you what is wrong and above all what we can do to solve your pain for good!

If you have more questions, I encourage you to stop by our Nordicfysio clinic in Punta Prima or contact us and we will see what the cause is and how we can solve it.

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