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One of the discomforts that we have all suffered from at some time, is lumbago also known as low back pain. Normally, it is a condition that does not have a serious origin, but it can be very annoying, to the point of hindering or even stopping our daily activities. From the age of 50, this type of pathology has a greater incidence, since in previous years postural excesses are usually committed that determine the degree of risk of having this condition.

Sitting for many hours a day, little exercise and other unhealthy lifestyles habits , are the factors that should be avoided to the extent if possible, to act preventively against low back pain.


The types of pain and their symptoms

The discomfort in the lower back can be multifactorial.  It can be classified according to the type and intensity of the symptoms that appear, as well as the causes that create discomfort.

The first and most common is the one that is caused by a muscle strain. This can occur when the muscles and ligaments of the back go beyond their natural elastic capacity, which can cause small tears in the area. The most common symptoms of muscle strain are a sudden pain in the lower back that does not radiate to the leg, difficulty in moving, and sometimes, back spasms. This is common when excessive effort is made or it may be due to a  blow or a fall.

Another common cause among the adult population is sciatica. This type of low back pain is caused by a pressure on a nerve that descends towards the hip, known as the sciatic nerve (hence its name).




Unlike muscle strain, this discomfort spreads from the lower back up to the leg or buttock. It is also a persistent pain, although it is a sharp pain, and it is generally increased when standing.

In more serious cases we can speak of dyscarthrosis. This condition comes to differ from the previous ones due to the presence of chronic and persistent pain for months that gets worse when sitting.

This condition is created by the physical wear of the discs of the spine. If we do not receive treatment, it can affect the flexibility and mobility of the legs, in addition to producing acute pain when leaning backwards.


Prevention guidelines

The good news is that no matter how annoying the lumbar pain is, this discomfort can be avoided. Our daily actions are important in order to maintain a good back health and consequently, they will help us prevent its affections.

Nowadays, there are more jobs that require to be sitting for several hours, so it is essential to start learning to adopt the correct postures to prevent any   discomfort in your lower back. When sitting you have to prop up your back on the back of the chair. If you must stand up for a long time, you need to   support your foot on a kickstand, alternating your feet from time to time.  Finally, if we need to do some back torsion, we must do it with the whole body and slowly, to avoid twisting the trunk and compromising the muscles.

If our work requires lifting heavy materials, we strongly recommend you the following instructions: when lifting a heavy load from the ground, you have to do it flexing your hips and knees; if it is possible, we will divide the loads into smaller ones, to avoid an excess. And when applicable, try to take breaks to rest and avoid straining your back too much.

Obesity and being overweight are conditions that can damage joints and vertebrae. That is why, it is important to prevent them with a good diet, along with regular physical activity. In addition, along with these healthy habits, specific exercises can be performed to strengthen the muscles of the spine and thus avoid

pulled muscles.


The usefulness of physiotherapy.


Without any doubt, we can benefit from physical therapy to prevent and alleviate low back pain symptoms. This type of therapy covers a wide range of physical methods and medical equipment. It is focused on reducing the probability of suffering pain, and in addition to improve your symptoms if you are already  suffering from any condition, at the same time  it helps us strengthen our muscles.

Some of the physical therapy techniques to treat low back pain are the following ones.


  1. Passive therapies

Methods of this style are applied to patients to alleviate or prevent discomfort.

A good example is the professional use of diathermy or radiofrequency therapy. In the Nordicfysio physiotherapy clinic we have the Wimback diathermy, which allows us to eliminate pain and inflammation, in a non-invasively way, thanks to the energy that comes from a high frequency power oscillating between 300 KHz and 1 MHz.  This power stimulates the natural mechanisms of “self-repair” of the organism, promoting intra and extra cellular exchanges.

Undoubtedly, Wimback medical equipment combined with the practice of a therapist, offers spectacular results and rapid rehabilitation of muscle and joint functions. We consider it a true physiological bio accelerator.




We also want to highlight the advanced manual therapy called Pold, an innovative approach with immediate effects, especially indicated in the degenerative, compressive pathologies and that usually results in limited mobility and joint biomechanics.

This type of therapeutic work is based on an oscillatory movement, manually applied to the muscles, tendons and joints. And the effect of this mobilisation, is visible and noticeable from the first session, expanding its benefits to the rest of the body.


  1. Active therapies

These treatments focus on physical strengthening exercises. These activities are the most used to treat pain in the lower back. They consist of a series of exercises that help strengthen the lumbar area and the abdominal support (muscles near the stomach). These muscles help support the spine so that if these are in good condition it will help us reduce nuisances in this area. The most accepted exercises known as active therapies are stretching and pilates.


  1. Stretching

They help us maintain the flexibility of the muscles and undo the accumulated stress. We strongly recommend you to do them under the supervision of a  therapist, who will determine the type of stretching, as well as its intensity and duration.

In this sense, RPG (Global Postural Reeducation) therapy is ideal, because it rebalances bodily tensions globally, avoiding segmental stretching, for being totally ineffective.




By working the muscle chains actively and progressively, we will be able to alleviate the symptoms and to take action on the causes of the injury.

Low back pain is a very common discomfort.  The majority of us will suffer from this condition at some point in our life, and preventive medicine is the best medicine.  It is important to know the symptoms of each condition, as well as the treatments available for each one of them.

In addition, we must not forget the healthy habits for the well-being of our spine. This will allow us to enjoy a healthy back, which will provide us with a better quality of life.


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