You may be experienced only a slightly improving (or none) from your treatments. Whether it’s physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, whatever; you feel that nothing is improving or it goes so low.
Does it sounds familiar?
This may be due to several factors:
1.- Wrong thecniques used by the therapist (doesn’t mean that this thechnique is poor, only that is not the right one for your problem.
2.- Lack of knowledge of the therapist /use of traditional or classical out fashion techniques thats leads to poor treatments.
But there is also a third cause of why recovery takes time, which very few people know or take into account, which is…
3.- Insuficient voltage (energy) in the cells of your body that makes them unable to carry out the recovery processes and therefore get a fast recovery.
Here in our clinic in Nordicfysio we make sure to live (overcome) up to the first to factors, and about the third one we solve by using Scenar physio.
It consist in setting the energy the cells need (like recharging bateries) so they can start working better and thus the recovery process will get faster.
If you have more questions about why recovery takes time, I encourage you to stop by our Nordicfysio clinic in Punta Prima or contact us and we will see what the cause is and how we can solve it.